Alzheimer's and Dementia Research Webinars

Join the Alzheimer’s Association and ISTAART for a series of webinars that share the latest advances in Alzheimer's and dementia research, as well as strategies for career development.

More information on the types of webinars offered can be found here


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PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers (PEERs): Coffee & Conversation: Writing & Publishing

June 9, 2023
Grab your coffee and join us for a casual conversation with early-career scholars on best practices, tips, resources, and experiences in writing and publishing in interdisciplinary research. Casual discussion and response to the questions from attendees.
PIA - PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease & Immunity and Neurodegeneration PIAs: Neuroinflammatory mechanisms in Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease

June 8, 2023
Our guest speakers talk about their research on shared neuropathological hallmarks of Down’s syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease, with a special focus on neuroinflammatory phenomena that might serve as promising therapeutic targets.
PIA - Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease PIA - Immunity and Neurodegeneration

Biofluid Based Biomarkers & Subjective Cognitive Decline PIAs: New Biofluid Biomarkers in Subjective Cognitive Decline

June 7, 2023
New biofluid based biomarkers (BBB) are emerging in the context of Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD). The novel research presented in this webinar helps in understanding the usefulness of these potential biomarkers into risk assessment in SCD.
PIA - Subjective Cognitive Decline PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers

Nonpharmacological Interventions & Partnering with Research Participants PIAs: Bringing Out Leaders in Dementia: A Creative Social Leadership model for people living with dementia across Scotland

June 5, 2023
Presentation and discussion on the bold Social Leadership project that provides opportunities for people to develop skills to flourish as leaders in dementia, making our communities places where people living with dementia can flourish, too.
PIA - Partnering with Research Participants PIA - Nonpharmacological Interventions

Artificial Intelligence for Precision Dementia Medicine PIA: The role of frailty in dementia risk reduction, management and care: Insights from data science and other fields

June 2, 2023
This seminar is hosted jointly by our PIA, and the DEMON Network Frailty and Dementia Special Interest Group. Topics include epidemiology, mechanisms, implications for clinical practice, and public health and policy.
PIA - AI for Precision Medicine

Neuroimaging PIA: Neuroimaging molecolare nelle demenze: progressi nella ricerca ed applicazioni in ambito clinico italiano.

May 31, 2023
Nel primo webinar di Neuroimaging PIA in lingua italiana, discuteremo degli ultimi progressi nella ricerca nel neuroimaging moleculare per le demenze, e di quelli che sono i suoi attuali usi ed applicazioni nella pratica clinica italiana.
PIA - Neuroimaging

Design and Data Analytics PIA: Streamlining and standardizing logistical, administrative, and regulatory workflows for sharing data from clinical trials and from public-private partnerships.

May 30, 2023
This webinar provides strategies for navigating the ethical, technical, and regulatory challenges involved in sharing clinical trial data. Data sharing principles and best practices to maximize shareable data reviewed and discussed.
PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Electrophysiology PIA: Exploring hippocampal replay as a potential therapeutic target in Alzheimer’s disease

May 22, 2023
Hippocampal replay is a key neural mechanism underlying memory consolidation. This seminar will discuss the role that hippocampal replay deficits may play in the memory impairments seen in Alzheimer’s disease.
PIA - Electrophysiology

Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIA: Effects of vagus nerve stimulation on central neuromodulation

May 12, 2023
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is thought to affect neuromodulatory activity, especially in the locus coeruleus, one of the first sites to accumulate abnormal tau. We discuss studies showing VNS effects on various markers of central neuromodulation.
PIA - Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems

Latin America and the Caribbean Consortium on Dementia: Indigenous Population and Inequity in Brain Health

May 11, 2023
The objective of this webinar session is to appraise the existing research to identify key elements, conceptualizations, and interventions of cultural safety to improve health services and dementia care for Indigenous Peoples.