Alzheimer's and Dementia Research Webinars

Join the Alzheimer’s Association and ISTAART for a series of webinars that share the latest advances in Alzheimer's and dementia research, as well as strategies for career development.

More information on the types of webinars offered can be found here


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Atypical Alzheimer's Disease PIA: The Basics of biomarkers in atypical presentations of AD

April 13, 2023
This Basics webinar provides educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Sessions includes a primer presentation, quiz and Q&A.
ISTAART The Basics PIA - Atypical Alzheimer's Disease

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA: Modeling long-term dietary patterns to detect optimal time-windows for interventions

April 12, 2023
We present a recent statistical method which allows to model and contrast long-term trajectories of dietary habits in preclinical dementia. This can help us to better understand the dynamic, causal relationships between diets and dementia.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA: The Basics of Core Blood Biomarkers and Analytics

April 7, 2023
This Basics webinar provides educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Sessions includes a primer presentations, quiz and Q&A.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers ISTAART The Basics

Atypical Alzheimer’s Disease PIA: The Basics of clinical diagnosis of atypical presentations of AD

April 6, 2023
This Basics webinar provides educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Sessions includes a 30-minute primer presentation, quiz and Q&A.
ISTAART The Basics PIA - Atypical Alzheimer's Disease

Neuroimaging PIA: Basics of Neuroimaging: Data Structure and Formats

April 5, 2023
This webinar introduces properties of neuroimaging and general principles of neuroimaging data analysis and visualization. This webinar is preparatory material for the remaining basics of neuroimaging webinars.
ISTAART The Basics PIA - Neuroimaging

Yes, the DOD/CDMRP funds Alzheimer's research.

April 5, 2023
Come learn about the funding opportunities focused on ADRD from the Department of Defense/Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, USA..A program that funds globally!
ISTAART Guide to Grants

Partnering with Research Participants PIA: The Basics of Partnering with Research Participants

April 4, 2023
This Basics webinar will provide educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Sessions will include a 20-minute primer presentation, quiz and Q&A
ISTAART The Basics PIA - Partnering with Research Participants

AAIC Neuroscience Next: ISTAART Guide to Poster Presentations

March 21, 2023
Join us for a step-by-step guide, an overview of logistics, and expert insight.

Atypical Alzheimer’s Disease PIA: The corticobasal presentation of Alzheimer’s Disease

March 21, 2023
This webinar discuss clinical and neuroimaging features of patients with corticobasal syndrome (CBS) that have underlying Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as well as differentiation from other pathologies and the value of AD biomarkers in CBS.
PIA - Atypical Alzheimer's Disease

PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers (PEERs): Balancing teaching while being a productive researcher

March 15, 2023
Our dynamic program focuses on approaches to balance teaching and research responsibilities. Speakers share practical advice, insight and suggestions on navigating these roles.
PIA - PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease & Vascular Cognitive Disorders PIAs: Disentangling Alzheimer’s disease and vascular cognitive impairment through monogenic disorders

February 28, 2023
Alzheimer’s disease and vascular pathology are key contributors to dementia, but underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Can we better grasp dementia through monogenic disorders like CADASIL? And what can people with Down syndrome teach us?
PIA - Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease PIA - Vascular Cognitive Disorders

AWARE PIA: How Women Can Get What They Want in a Negotiation

February 23, 2023
Research suggests that 20% of women do not negotiate. The ability to negotiate successfully whether for yourself or your team is a critical career advancement skill. Join this session to hear from panelists on tips to use in your next negotiation!
PIA - Alliance of Women Alzheimer's Researchers

Design and Data Analytics & Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIA: Methods to quantify Resilience and Reserve in Alzheimer's disease

February 22, 2023
Diana Bocancea, PhD Candidate at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, discusses a meta-analysis on residual methods to quantify resilience and resistance, as well as the pros and cons of the residual measures.
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors PIA - Design and Data Analytics

AAIC Advancements: APOE Conference Primer

February 16, 2023
This webinar focused on understanding the history and current field of APOE research. This webinar is a standalone webinar but is also intended to provide an introduction into the APOE field before the AAIC Advancements: APOE conference.

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease & Neuroimaging PIAs: The importance of imaging Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome

February 16, 2023
During this program, we demonstrate how neuroimaging can be used to understand different aspects of Alzheimer's disease in adults with Down syndrome..
PIA - Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease PIA - Neuroimaging

Biofluid Based Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatric Syndromes - The Multi-Modal Biomarker Webinar

February 15, 2023
Combinations of different categories of biomarkers may help ascertain their associations with neuropsychiatric syndromes. We discuss the available evidence of associations of multi-modal biomarkers with diverse neuropsychiatric syndromes.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA - Neuropsychiatric Syndromes

Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders PIA: Year in Review

February 10, 2023
Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Frontotemporal Dementia & Related Disorders ISTAART Year in Review

AAIC Neuroscience Next: ISTAART Guide to Abstracts

February 9, 2023
Join us for a step-by-step guide, an overview of logistics, and expert insight from Doris Molina-Henry.

Electrophysiology PIA: Visual motion event related potentials in healthy aging and Alzheimer's disease

February 8, 2023
Visuospatial deficits are debilitating symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We review visual processing deficits in aging and AD, and discuss optic flow event related potentials as possible functional biomarkers of cognitive aging and AD.
PIA - Electrophysiology

Design and Data Analytics & Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIAs: Brain network topology modulates tau spreading in Alzheimer's disease

February 2, 2023
Dr. Nicolai Franzmeier, Jr. Research Group Leader at LMU University Hospital, discusses tau-PET, resting-state fMRI, the spreading of tau pathology in AD, and how brain networks and patterns of tau deposition are related to resistance/resilience.
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Immunity and Neurodegeneration & Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIAs: Immunometabolism in AD: from macronutrients to microglia

February 1, 2023
The brain’s resident immune cells, microglia, have a key role in maintaining neuron function. Join us to discuss how lipid metabolism impacts microglia function, and how microglia respond to dietary changes in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia PIA - Immunity and Neurodegeneration

ISTAART Guide to AAIC: Reviewing

January 31, 2023
Join us for a step-by-step guide, an overview of logistics, and expert insight from Crystal Glover.

The Eye as Biomarker for Alzheimer’s Disease PIA: Year in Review

January 31, 2023
The Eye as Biomarker for Alzheimer’s Disease PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - The Eye as a Biomarker for AD ISTAART Year in Review

Immunity and Neurodegeneration PIA: Year in Review

January 30, 2023
Immunity and Neurodegeneration PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Immunity and Neurodegeneration ISTAART Year in Review

Electrophysiology PIA: Year in Review

January 27, 2023
Electrophysiology PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Electrophysiology ISTAART Year in Review

Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIA: Year in Review

January 26, 2023
Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors ISTAART Year in Review

Neuropsychiatric Syndromes PIA: Year in Review

January 25, 2023
Neuropsychiatric Syndromes PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
ISTAART Year in Review PIA - Neuropsychiatric Syndromes

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease PIA: Year in Review

January 24, 2023
Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease ISTAART Year in Review

Nonpharmacological Interventions PIA: Year in Review

January 23, 2023
Nonpharmacological Interventions PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
ISTAART Year in Review PIA - Nonpharmacological Interventions

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA: Year in Review

January 20, 2023
Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia ISTAART Year in Review

Alzheimer's Association - Oportunidades de financiación

January 19, 2023
El primer webinario en español sobre los Programas de Financiamiento del Programa Internacional de Subvenciones de Investigación.
Language - Español

Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIA: Year in Review

January 19, 2023
The Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIA Year in Review: hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems ISTAART Year in Review

Atypical Alzheimer’s Disease PIA: Year in Review

January 18, 2023
The Atypical Alzheimer’s Disease PIA Year in Review to hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Atypical Alzheimer's Disease ISTAART Year in Review

Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA: Year in Review

January 17, 2023
The Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA Year in Review to hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers ISTAART Year in Review

Subjective Cognitive Decline PIA: Year in Review

January 11, 2023
The Subjective Cognitive Decline PIA Year in Review to hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Subjective Cognitive Decline ISTAART Year in Review

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: Role in AD and Related Dementias PIA: Year in Review

January 5, 2023
The Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: Role in AD and Related Dementias PIA Year in Review, hear a presentation of research highlights and progress seen in 2022, followed by a panel discussion of priorities and predictions for 2023.
PIA - Sleep and Circadian Rhythms ISTAART Year in Review

ISTAART Guide to AAIC: Abstracts

January 4, 2023
Join us for a step-by-step guide, an overview of logistics, and expert insight from Renaud La Joie.

Vascular Cognitive Disorders PIA: ARIA and vascular-immune interactions

December 16, 2022
We discuss the Clearance of Interstitial and Cerebrospinal (CLIC), with talks from a basic science perspective on the interactions between the microglia and the cerebral vessels, as well as an update on ARIA in Lecanemab treated patients.
PIA - Vascular Cognitive Disorders

Health Policy PIA: Global Brain Health Partnerships: Building Brain Capital through Diplomacy and Action

December 12, 2022
Brain Capital prioritizes brain skills and brain health within the 21st century knowledge economy and provides an opportunity for a ‘brain-based’ framework to be applied to reframing health as a cross-sectorial issue with clear policy implications.
PIA - Health Policy

A roundtable between NIA, Alzheimer’s Association and ADRC REC on Early Career Funding Opportunities

December 9, 2022
We summarize major early career funding opportunities for ADRD scholars and focus on resources, strategies and tips for successful career development.
PIA - Alliance of Women Alzheimer's Researchers PIA - Diversity and Disparities PIA - PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers

Design and Data Analytics & Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIAs: Leveraging Models of Resilience as Endophenotypes to Enable Precision Medicine

December 8, 2022
Dr. Timothy J. Hohman, Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, discusses quantitative measures of resilience, the genetic architectures of neuroprotection and sex-specific models for precision interventions.
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors PIA - Design and Data Analytics

ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

December 8, 2022
Marina Garcia Macia leads a conversation with Ju-hyun Lee
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

Neuroimaging PIA: fMRI and FDG PET

December 7, 2022
This webinar focuses on basic concepts of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET imaging, their relevance to Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias, and recent research findings.
PIA - Neuroimaging

Vascular Cognitive Disorders PIA: A deeper dive into the possible causes of white matter hyperintensities seen on T2-weighted MRI

December 6, 2022
This webinar takes a further look at the pathological underpinnings of hyperintensities seen on T2-weighted (including FLAIR) MRI. We discuss how close we are to understanding what underlies these common imaging findings.
PIA - Vascular Cognitive Disorders

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA: A cellular view of brain metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease

December 5, 2022
Astrocytes seem to have a remarkable ability to handle energetic substrates. In this webinar, the Zimmer lab discusses how changes in astrocyte function may affect brain metabolic function and how astrocyte biomarkers can capture these changes.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIA: A novel peptide operating in neuromodulatory subcortical systems: a pivotal agent driving neurodegeneration?

December 1, 2022
T14 is a peptide, potentially pivotal in neurodegeneration: it operates in the isodendritic core, is doubled in the AD brain, can be monitored as a pre-symptomatic biomarker and can be blocked pharmaceutically with significant behavioural effects.
PIA - Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems

ISTAART Guide to AAIC: Perspectives and Featured Research Sessions

November 29, 2022
Join us for a step-by-step guide, an overview of logistics, and expert insight from Tharick Pascoal.

Latin America and the Caribbean Consortium on Dementia: LAC Current and Future Dementia Perspectives

November 23, 2022
The Latin America and the Caribbean Consortium on Dementia (LAC-CD) is a regional organization overseeing and promoting clinical and research activities on dementia. More information is available at
Language - Español

Design and Data Analytics & Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIAs: Using longitudinal measures to capture key complementary dimensions of cognitive resilience

November 18, 2022
Dr. Maude Wagner, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, presents complementary longitudinal measures of cognitive resilience and discuss their use to identify key risk and protective factors.
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Treatment of sleep disturbance for dementia prevention: key considerations for trial design targeting insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea

November 17, 2022
This webinar focuses on two common sleep disorders that are increasingly linked to dementia: insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea. Key methodological considerations for trial design are presented followed by panel discussion.
PIA - Sleep and Circadian Rhythms PIA - Clinical Trials Advancement and Methods