Welcome to the Alzheimer’s Association Public Health Education Center. The Association is your source for online courses about public health and dementia for public health students, educators and professionals. Click on a course title below for more information about a specific module. Create a free account or login and then click “enroll now” to start learning for free.


Online Course

Public Health and Dementia — Part 1: Understanding the Public Health Impact of Dementia

This course explores the public health impact of dementia and the role of public health organizations in promoting brain health.
DEI Public Health caregiving Risk Reduction Early Detection
Online Course

Public Health and Dementia — Part 2: Implementing Public Health Strategies for Dementia

This course explores the Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map and how public health strategies can be used for public health action on dementia.
Public Health caregiving Risk Reduction HBI Road Map Early Detection
Online Course

Health Equity in Dementia — Using a Public Health Lens to Advance Health Equity in Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia

This course focuses on the health equity aspect of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias from a population-based, life course approach to reduce risk and ensure that everyone can live their best life after a diagnosis.
Equity DEI Public Health
Online Course

Public Health and Dementia Caregiving

This course covers why dementia caregiving is a public health issue and what public health organizations can do about dementia caregiving.
DEI Public Health caregiving