Educational Workshop: The Basics of Fluid Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease (Day 2)

Recorded: June 29, 2021

The fluid biomarkers field for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias is rapidly expanding. This workshop provides research investigators, clinicians, residents, fellows and graduate and postgraduate students with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles, inherent limitations and clinical and research applications of the most common biomarkers used in AD and found in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood. This workshop includes the fundamentals of CSF physiology, basics of neurochemistry, technical issues of sample collection, storage, analysis methods, quality control and regulatory issues. It also covers the latest in cutting-edge biomarker technology including blood-based biomarkers with the current understanding of how biomarkers track the progression in AD and their use in other dementias. Lectures are followed by interactive Q&A sessions to ensure that participants gain an in-depth understanding of the proper use of fluid biomarkers.

This workshop was organized by leading scientists in this field and by the Alzheimer’s Association Global Biomarkers Standardization Consortia (GBSC) and the ISTAART Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA.

In this second part of the workshop, Ulf Andreasson discusses the "Analytical Techniques for Biomarker Measurements " and Robert Dean discusses the "Standardization, Quality Control, Operational and Regulatory Issues for Fluid Biomarkers".