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Diversity and Disparities PIA: Cognitive Testing Across Language and Culture: Generalizability Versus Specificity?

The program will include a thought-provoking panel debate exploring the benefits and challenges of culturally and linguistically generalizable versus specific approaches in cognitive assessments.
Co-Hosts: Bilingualism, Languages and Literacy Special Interest Group & Include (International Network for Cross-Linguistic Research on Brain Health).

Moderators: Marco Calabria, Jessica de Leon, Adolfo García, Boon Lead Tee
Speakers: Rose Bruffaerts, Sanne Franzen, David Kemmerer, Elena Tsoy

To register for the live event, please visit: https://alz-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_niuHRbTGS5mWK1aJyDpBQw