Alzheimer's and Dementia Research Webinars

Join the Alzheimer’s Association and ISTAART for a series of webinars that share the latest advances in Alzheimer's and dementia research, as well as strategies for career development.

More information on the types of webinars offered can be found here


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Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA: Clinical implementation of BBB in Alzheimer’s disease

June 18, 2024
We discuss clinical implementation along with a recently accepted manuscript 'The Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease performance recommendations for blood-based biomarker tests of amyloid pathology'.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers

Design and Data Analytics & Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIAs: Aging and Resilience in LGBTQIA+ communities

June 17, 2024
We delve into research concerning minoritized gender and sexual older adults. Talks shed light on pathways for enhancing resilience, addressing health disparities and mitigating the risk of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Data Sharing Resources & Tools in AD/ADRD Research

June 13, 2024
The goal of this session is to highlight a few of the resources for the AD/ADRD research field that support data sharing, data access, tools for data analysis. We are joined by representatives from AD Knowledge Portal/ SAGE, Terra, AD Data Initiative, and GAAIN/ LONI.

Design and Data Analytics & Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIAs: Metabolism and cognitive resilience to AD

June 13, 2024
Guest speakers discuss the cellular and molecular bases of cognitive resilience to AD pathology, as well as how aerobic glycolysis derived from PET measurements of cerebral blood flow, glucose and oxygen metabolism may play a role in resilience.
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Diversity and Disparities PIA - LMIC Work Group: LMIC Clinical Trials: Africa & LatAm FINGERS

June 11, 2024
The leaders of two major international studies, Africa & LatAm FINGERS, will share their experiences developing the trials. We will hear about the opportunities and challenges of developing clinical trials in low- and middle-income countries.
PIA - Diversity and Disparities

Clinical Trials Advancement and Methods & Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIAs: Developing Nutrition and non-pharm based clinical trial

June 10, 2024
This webinar looks into nutrition based and non-pharm based clinical, cognitive trials, along with trial design and findings, the challenges and opportunities that are faced, and attempts to explain reasons for discrepant results.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia PIA - Clinical Trials Advancement and Methods

Biofluid Based Biomarkers & Neuropsychiatric Syndromes PIAs: Biofluid Based Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatric Syndromes - The Methods Webinar

June 5, 2024
This landmark webinar shall define some of the essential methods involved in research with biofluid based biomarkers of neuropsychiatric syndromes, from ethics to data-driven mechanistics.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA - Neuropsychiatric Syndromes

Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA: Assessment of Brain-derived extracellular vesicle enrichment protocols from blood

June 4, 2024
The webinar focuses on a systematic assessment of protocols for IP-based brain extracellular vesicle (BEV) enrichment from blood and assess CNS-specificity and accessibility of alternate protein candidates for BEV enrichment from blood.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers

Cognition PIA: Harmonizing the Clinical Assessment of Cognition Across European Clinics & the Signature Initiative

June 3, 2024
Harmonized methods across clinical practices has value for science, patient care and public health. We discuss the European efforts to harmonize Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia assessment, highlighting new social cognition approaches.
PIA - Cognition

Neuroimaging PIA: Clinical Case Report

May 30, 2024
Program covers clinical content from experts in the field, and takes the form of a detailed walk-through of a clinical case study or studies followed by a quiz, and Q&A.
PIA - Neuroimaging

Subjective Cognitive Decline PIA: Clinical Case Reports

May 29, 2024
Program covers clinical content from experts in the field, and takes the form of a detailed walk-through of a clinical case study or studies followed by a quiz, and Q&A.
PIA - Subjective Cognitive Decline

Atypical Alzheimer’s Disease PIA: Clinical Case Reports

May 28, 2024
Program will cover clinical content from experts in the field, and will take the form of a detailed walk-through of a clinical case study or studies followed by a quiz, and Q&A.
PIA - Atypical Alzheimer's Disease

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA: Multimodal Interventions: Adherence and Success

April 30, 2024
We discuss the interplay between the dose, intensity, adherence and success of multimodal interventions for cognitive decline prevention, with an overview of WW-FINGERs studies and results of the PENSA Study
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers (PEERs) & Sex and Gender Differences in Alzheimer's Disease PIA: Datablitz - New Findings on Sex & Gender in AD

April 29, 2024
This datablitz-style webinar highlights exciting new findings on sex and gender differences in AD from emerging early career researchers. Topics feature AD risk factors across the life course, including pregnancy, and caregiving in late life.
PIA - Sex and Gender Differences in AD PIA - PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers

Latin America and the Caribbean Consortium on Dementia: Decoding dementia in Latin America with ATN and other biomarkers

April 26, 2024
Join our webinar on ATN and other biomarkers in Latin America to explore their pivotal role in our population.

Biofluid Based Biomarkers & Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders PIAs: Novel developments on fluid biomarkers for Frontotemporal dementia (FTD)

April 24, 2024
The clinicopathological diversity of Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) challenges the diagnostic process and the execution of clinical trials. This mini symposium will cover and discuss the latest research in the context of fluid biomarkers for FTD and its different subtypes.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA - Frontotemporal Dementia & Related Disorders

Immunity and Neurodegeneration PIA Roadmap Work Group: Peripheral Immune Insults and Dementia Risk

April 23, 2024
This webinar delves into the link between acute peripheral inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease, focusing on the potential mechanistic role of acute inflammatory events, such as infection, critical illness, and surgery.
PIA - Immunity and Neurodegeneration

Diversity and Disparities & Neuroimaging PIAs - Making Neuroimaging More Accessible: Issues and Solutions

April 18, 2024
In this roundtable, four expert scientists discuss challenges and solutions to improve accessibility of neuroimaging to socially, economically, culturally and geographically diverse populations. We welcome attendees to join the discussion.
PIA - Neuroimaging PIA - Diversity and Disparities

Design and Data Analytics & Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIAs: Lifestyle Interventions & Brain Resilience Mechanisms

April 4, 2024
We focus on the effects of lifestyle interventions on brain health in aging. Data shared on MEDITAGEING (trial targeting stress reduction) and on the neuroimaging study of USPOINTER (2-year trial targeting multiple AD risk factors).
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease: Mosaic Down syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease

April 3, 2024
Down syndrome (DS) is associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A subset of individuals with DS are mosaic, with only some cells having trisomy 21. Drs. Laura Xicota Vila and Eric Rubenstein will present research on AD in mosaic DS.
PIA - Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease

The Basics of Circadian Rhythm Changes in Aging and Dementia

April 1, 2024
This Basics webinar provides educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Program includes a primer presentation, quiz and Q&A.
ISTAART The Basics PIA - Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

The Basics of Reserve and Resilience: Concepts, Methodologies and Scientific Evidence

March 28, 2024
This Basics webinar provides educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Program includes a primer presentation, quiz and Q&A.
ISTAART The Basics PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors

The Basics of Multimorbidity and Dementia

March 27, 2024
This Basics webinar provides educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Program includes a primer presentation, quiz and Q&A.
ISTAART The Basics

The Basics of Participant Recruitment: Building for Inclusion

March 22, 2024
This Basics webinar provides educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Program includes a primer presentation, quiz and Q&A.
ISTAART The Basics

The Basics of Neuroimaging Data Harmonization

March 21, 2024
This Basics webinar provides educational content from experts in the field of Alzheimer’s and dementia research. Program includes a primer presentation, quiz and Q&A.
ISTAART The Basics