Alzheimer's and Dementia Research Webinars

Join the Alzheimer’s Association and ISTAART for a series of webinars that share the latest advances in Alzheimer's and dementia research, as well as strategies for career development.

More information on the types of webinars offered can be found here


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Nutrition and Dementia Workshop (Day 1)

July 8, 2021
The first part of this symposium focuses on how novel study designs can help translate specific nutritional epidemiological studies into effective interventions and guide future roadmap development.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

Design and Data Analytics PIA: Modeling the underlying biological processes using a multivariate competing risk joint model

July 7, 2021
Motivated by data from a prodromal Alzheimer’s disease trial, in this webinar a proposal for a new multivariate joint model is made and discussed.
PIA - Design and Data Analytics

ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

July 1, 2021
Hosted by the Electrophysiology PIA and featuring papers presented by Laura Rueda Delgado and Susanna Lopez.
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author PIA - Electrophysiology

Educational Workshop: The Basics of Fluid Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease (Day 4)

July 1, 2021
This four-part workshop provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles, inherent limitations and clinical and research applications of cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers ISTAART Primer

Educational Workshop: The Basics of Fluid Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease (Day 3)

June 30, 2021
This four-part workshop provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles, inherent limitations and clinical and research applications of cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers ISTAART Primer

Educational Workshop: The Basics of Fluid Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease (Day 2)

June 29, 2021
This four-part workshop provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles, inherent limitations and clinical and research applications of cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers ISTAART Primer

Educational Workshop: The Basics of Fluid Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease (Day 1)

June 28, 2021
This four-part workshop provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles, inherent limitations and clinical and research applications of cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers ISTAART Primer

Diversity and Disparities PIA: Innovative approaches to improving accessibility and quality of dementia diagnostic, care, and caregiver support services: Updates from equity-driven projects in the US and Australia

June 24, 2021
In this webinar, Jaime Perales Puchalt and Zara Page present on their systems-based research and approaches to community-tailored diagnostic services, dementia care, and caregiver support.
PIA - Diversity and Disparities

Neuroimaging PIA: Analysis of PET data

June 24, 2021
This program focuses on the analysis of PET data, mainly focusing on Amyloid and Tau PET, and covers different parts of the processing and analysis of PET data, including partial volume correction, attenuation correction and choice of reference regions.
PIA - Neuroimaging ISTAART Primer

Design and Data Analytics PIA: A Statistician Reads Alzheimer’s Disease Literature and Attends AAIC

June 23, 2021
Laurel A. Beckett, PhD provides a non-technical talk for non-quantitative people attending AAIC or reading the Alzheimer's disease literature.
Audience - General Audience PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Dialogue: Current Perspectives on Aducanumab

June 21, 2021
This discussion provides an opportunity to understand the science behind aducanumab, publicly available data surrounding the complexity of the clinical trial results, what we know about the diagnostic biomarkers used to enroll in the trial, and the FDA label.

Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders & Neuroimaging PIAs: An update on neuroimaging in frontotemporal dementia

June 16, 2021
This program will provide an introduction to imaging in FTD; and addreess what have we learned from MRI and PET in FTD in the last 10 years
PIA - Frontotemporal Dementia & Related Disorders PIA - Neuroimaging ISTAART Primer

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA: The MIND Diet to Prevent AD: An Overview of the Background and Current Evidence

June 15, 2021
This webinar reviews the compilation of the MIND diet and its components as well as the current scientific evidence.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

June 10, 2021
Carla Abdelnour Ruiz leads a conversation with Jonathan Graff-Radford and Melissa Murray and then Maureen Okafor leads a conversation with Gary Romano and David Henley.
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author PIA - Clinical Trials Advancement and Methods

Neuroimaging PIA: Analysis of fMRI data

June 10, 2021
This webinar focuses on the analysis of both resting-state and task-related functional MRI data and covers topics like motion estimation and correction, experimental design and statistical approaches.
PIA - Neuroimaging ISTAART Primer

ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

June 3, 2021
Lisa Vermunt leads a conversation with Antoinette O’Connor and Nick Fox and then Steffan Halbgebauer leads a conversation with Elena Camporesi and Henrik Zetterberg.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

Alliance of Women Alzheimer's Researchers (AWARE) PIA: Effective Self Promotion

June 2, 2021
This panel discussion focuses on self-advocacy in professional and personal settings.
PIA - Alliance of Women Alzheimer's Researchers

PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers (PEERs) - Methods Club: Biofluid Biomarkers

June 1, 2021
The first webinar of our Methods Club series focuses on biofluid based biomarkers.
PIA - Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA - PIA to Elevate Early Career Researchers

Neuroimaging PIA: Software for Image Analysis

May 27, 2021
This webinar focuses on different software for structural image analysis.
PIA - Neuroimaging

Latin America and the Caribbean Consortium on Dementia: Technology and Dementia

May 26, 2021
This LAC-CD team webinar covers technology and dementia, including presentations from Walter Greenleaf, Sonia Brucki, Mario A Parra, Yakeel Quiroz and Agustin Ibañez.

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease: Understanding Alzheimer’s disease development in the context of Down syndrome; using preclinical models

May 26, 2021
This webinar explores Down syndrome mouse models to understand the combination of chromosome 21 genes that modulate aspects of AD pathogenesis when in three-copies, including the formation and accumulation of amyloid-β.
PIA - Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease

Nonpharmacological Interventions PIA: The forgotten utility of case studies: examining non-pharmacologic interventions in individuals with ADRD - Part 3: Managing dementia related visual impairment.

May 19, 2021
Dr. Keir Yong speaks on developing non-pharmacological support for individuals living with dementia-related visual impairment, in particular posterior cortical atrophy.
PIA - Nonpharmacological Interventions

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA: Can we combat chronic inflammation through nutrition to decrease the risk for dementia?

May 18, 2021
This webinar focuses on findings from observational and intervention studies which investigated the anti- and pro- inflammatory potential of nutrients, foods, food groups, dietary indices and dietary patterns within the context of dementia research
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

Design and Data Analytics PIA: Longitudinal Primary Outcomes in Randomized Controlled Trials

May 13, 2021
This webinar proposes that kernel methods offer natural extensions to traditional biostatistics methods to examine longitudinal primary outcomes in randomized controlled trials
PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Health Policy PIA: Detect Early, Treat Better, Live Better? Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease - From Technology to Policy

May 5, 2021
This webinar provides an overview of novel technologies and emerging biomarkers for early disease detection.
PIA - Health Policy

Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIA: Resistance against AD pathologies: The role of sleep, exercise, and stress management

May 5, 2021
The focus of this webinar is to understand the role of three lifestyle factors (sleep, exercise, and stress) in lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors

Electrophysiology & Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIAs: EEG and neuroimaging methods to probe ascending neuromodulatory systems in Alzheimer's disease

May 4, 2021
This webinar shares and discusses methodologies at the intersection between electrophysiology and functional imaging that are widely used in neuropsychiatric research and also bear major potential in the Alzheimer’s field.
PIA - Electrophysiology PIA - Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems

Diversity and Disparities PIA: Towards more inclusive Alzheimer’s research and communication: lessons learned from translational research in diverse populations in Australia

May 4, 2021
In this webinar, Dr. Bianca Brijnath and Dr. Jo Antoniades present their work on the development of educational materials about dementia prevention, diagnosis, and care, and will highlight methods promoting representation and inclusivity.
PIA - Diversity and Disparities

Health Policy PIA: Dementia, Caregiving, and COVID-19

April 23, 2021
This webinar explores emerging research on policy considerations to help support caregivers of people with dementia in the community.
PIA - Health Policy

Technology and Dementia PIA: Virtual Reality for dementia assessment and care: current practices and future directions

April 22, 2021
In this webinar, Drs. Felix Clay and Joe Strong review the current practices and future directions of virtual reality for dementia assessment and care.
PIA - Technology and Dementia

Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders PIA: Insights into FTLD neuropathology

April 21, 2021
This webinar explores the neuropathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD).
PIA - Frontotemporal Dementia & Related Disorders

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA: Nutrition-Cognition Trials

April 16, 2021
This webinar reviews past and current efforts to underscore the challenges and opportunities that exist as the quest for evidence-based nutritional guidelines that sustain cognitive health inches forward.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

April 15, 2021
Alan Cronemberger Andrade leads a conversation with Rachel Nosheny and then Michael Weiner and Anna Volkmer leads a conversation with Emily Rogalski.
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

Neuroimaging PIA: Fundamentals of structural image analysis

April 15, 2021
This webinar covers registration, brain extraction, template building and quality checks of data as well as tips on how to troubleshoot when errors occur.
PIA - Neuroimaging ISTAART Primer

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease PIA: Tau pathology

April 14, 2021
The webinar focuses on several studies focused on Tau pathology, both in the human brain and in mouse models.
PIA - Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease

Neuroimaging PIA: Tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET) en Español - (PET imaging in Spanish)

April 8, 2021
This webinar, in Spanish, provides an overview PET imaging, including FDG, tau and beta-amyloid, in research and clinical practice of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
PIA - Neuroimaging Language - Español

ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

April 1, 2021
Lianne Reus leads a conversation with Chengran Yang and Carlos Cruchaga and then Greg Wheildon leads a conversation with  Ryan Corces.
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

Latin America and the Caribbean Consortium on Dementia: Technology and Dementia

March 31, 2021
This webinar from LAC-CD team covers multidisciplinary approaches to risk prevention.

ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

March 18, 2021
Natasha de la Rosa-Rivera leads a conversation with Tomohiro Nakamura and Stuart Lipton and then Andréia Silva da Rocha leads a conversation with Naomi Habib.
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

Neuroimaging PIA: EEG y RM estructural y funcional en español (Structural and functional MRI and EEG in Spanish)

March 18, 2021
This webinar, in Spanish, provides an overview structural and functional MRI and EEG in research and clinical practice of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
PIA - Neuroimaging Language - Español ISTAART Primer

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA: Epidemiology to inform the role of nutrition in the exposome of dementia

March 16, 2021
An overview of knowledge on nutrition and dementia is provided from cohort studies, from a one size fits all approach to a holistic and individualized perspective of nutrition.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

Reserve PIA: Resilience against Alzheimer’s disease dementia: Do sex/gender and racial/ethnic differences matter?

March 15, 2021
This program addresses the extent to which sex/gender and race/ethnicity modulate resilience against Alzheimer's disease
PIA - Reserve,Resilience and Protective Factors

Electrophysiology PIA: Hans Berger's dream: Alzheimer's disease affects EEG rhythms and vigilance

March 11, 2021
This talk discusses converging EEG evidence showing that AD substantially affects cerebral neurophysiological ascending systems regulating brain arousal and vigilance.
PIA - Electrophysiology

Alliance of Women Alzheimer's Researchers (AWARE) PIA: Intersectionality

March 9, 2021
The webinar focuses on empowerment of women and under-represented groups, acknowledging the need for voices from different backgrounds to occupy a seat at the decision-making table.
PIA - Alliance of Women Alzheimer's Researchers

ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

March 4, 2021
Anny Reyes leads a conversation with Arjune Sen and Masud Husain and then John Baker leads a conversation with Kamalini Ranasinghe, Keith A Vossel and Srikantan S Nagarajan.
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author

Nonpharmacological Interventions PIA: The forgotten utility of case studies: examining non-pharmacologic interventions in individuals with ADRD - Part 2

February 24, 2021
This webinar examines non-pharmacologic interventions in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
PIA - Nonpharmacological Interventions

Design and Data Analytics PIA: Bayesian multi-timescale modeling for disentangling cognitive decline and learning effects in repeated mobile cognitive assessments

February 22, 2021
This webinar explores Bayesian multi-timescale modeling for disentangling cognitive decline and learning effects in repeated mobile cognitive assessments
PIA - Design and Data Analytics

Nutrition, Metabolism and Dementia PIA - Creatine Treatment: Promising Approach or Dead End

February 16, 2021
This webinar explores creatine, a dietary supplement, that has been tested with increasing interest the last 10 years in both animal models and clinical trials.
PIA - Nutrition,Metabolism and Dementia

ISTAART Insights: Realistic Resumes

February 12, 2021
The webinar focuses on the Brief Biography - a 250-word overview of your experience and accomplishments, and features Dr. Donna Wilcock, Dr. Michele Veldsman and Dr. Jack Rivers-Auty.
ISTAART Insights: Realistic Resumes

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease PIA: Neuroinflammation in Down syndrome - role in Alzheimer’s disease

February 10, 2021
This webinar discusses current research findings on cerebral cytokine expression and microglial phenotypes across the Alzheimer's continuum in individuals with Down syndrome
PIA - Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease